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About us

The EWBBU is a non-profit collegiate chapter of national chapter of Engineers Without Borders USA , a non-profit organization that supports community-driven development programs worldwide by collaborating with domestic and international partners to design and implement sustainable engineering projects as well as educational, social and community projects. Currently, EWB-USA’s projects span 47 countries on 5 continents in an effort to close the disparities between communities around our globe. This developmental overhaul is achieved the holistic treatment of all facets of community, including engineering projects for water supply, sanitation, civil works, structures, energy, agriculture, and information systems. Established in 2006 at Boston University, we are a group of college students that share an enthusiasm for bringing change and progress to developing communities. By directly partnering with developing communities, we aim to improve their quality of life through the implementation of environmentally sustainable, equitable, and economical engineering projects while developing internationally responsible engineers and engineering students. We use our engineering skills to solve problems ranging from clean water access to clean energy in the MBTA.


The main focus of EWBBU is water sanitation projects. The access to clean water resources has been remaining a major global issue with almost 800 million still not having access to basic water services. Focusing on helping communities, EWBBU has been implementing water sanitation projects helping hundreds of people gaining access to clean and usable water resources.


EWBBU has been also focusing on providing technological resources to communities. Almost 3 billion people do not have access to internet while 10% is beyond the reach of mobile network. EWBBU has been working on including various technological projects to help communities have access to internet and mobile network.


It is important that one approaches global problems from various perspectives including education. As we approach global problems ourselves, we are introducing younger generations to educate themselves about engineering as well as social engineering.

Community awareness

EWBBU has been also contributing to raising awareness in communities about global issues, and how they could help. EWBBU has been doing constant social outreach to local communities throughout years now as well as organizing various social events and educational panels.

What we do... Learn about our projects...


The Tinet project has been focusing on water sanitation through... Learn more


The Zambia project is a successful example of collaboration with... Learn more

Domestic thing

Our domestic project has been successful among young students... Learn more